Welcome to AngelicTrouble.com. My mission through the Angelic Troublemaker blog and social media identity is to encourage people of color to empower themselves racially, economically, and civically, through a renewed vision and a commitment to lifelong learning. Our vision is renewed as we come to see our own reflections through the lens of the Creator. When we apply this same lens to our neighbors, communities, and nation, we are moved to seek and do God’s justice right where we do life. We are equipped to do God’s work as we commit to lifelong learning and application.

I hope readers are moved towards racial empowerment. By racial empowerment I mean the ability to expose and dismantle, in their own context, the lies and myths about people of color that have been perpetuated and institutionalized by those that benefit from the devaluation of nonwhite lives and the overvaluation of white lives. It also means ackowledging race is an artificial, social construct that is used to protect the economic, poltical, and cultural interests of the majority.

I also hope readers are moved towards economic empowerment. By economic empowerment I mean becoming financially self-sufficient through the adoption of untapped knowledge about resources, developing undisciplined stewardship habits, and embodying collective economics as a way of life. It also includes an awareness of the manifestations of economic injustice in housing, banking, education, technology, and other sectors.

Finally, I hope readers are moved toward civic empowerment. To borrow from the United States Institute of Peace, civic empowerment is “a condition in which every citizen has the means to actively engage in the public sphere, including political processes” at the local, state, and federal levels. Through this condition, civil society is empowered, protected, and accountable. Present in this condition is equal access to information and freedom of expression.  

Thank you in advance for reading.